Sunday 22 January 2012

Chocolate Pasta - WTF?

This Blog is part of the Sweet Adventures Blog Hop - Death by Chocolate.  The idea is to post a recipe during this week and link it back.

Here is my entry, Chocolate Ravioli with Creamy Blueberry Filling.

WTF? you ask.  It is possible to make chocolate pasta.  Well I didnt think so, found a recipe and said game on, Challenge!

The recipe I have used is based on one from this book: Classic Italian

Don't ask how Chocolate Pasta is "Classic Italian".  Here is the recipe:

It is a little chocolate heavy, with a white chocolate filling.  I decided to make up my own filling based on Frozen Blueberries.

Instead of using cocoa powder for the pasta I used 75% grated Willies 100% Cacao and 25% of Droste Cocoa Powder.

Grate the Cacao:

Add to food processor the flour, icing sugar, cacao, cocoa and eggs

Bring it together

Roll into balls and cover. Stand for 30 min. (How do you like my chocolate balls?)

Now make pasta like you would normally.  At the beginning on the "1" setting, after each time through, fold into thirds, rotate 90°, and put back through the machine. Repeat quite a few times to build strength in the dough.  This is a pasta making trick I learnt of Maggie Beer

Roll it out probably until "8" on the machine.  I went to "6" and it was too thick

The blueberry, cream cheese and sugar filling, on the first try was a disaster.  Too wet.

Attempt at draining the filling, Fail.  The second attempt was much better.  Rough quantities are 3/4 cream cheese, 1/4 blueberries and enough sugar to sweeten

Here my expert wife is showing me how to form the ravioli.  A tip from her: paint the entire bottom sheet with beaten egg.  Makes it handier for joining

Place top sheet on

To get those perfect shapes, use a stencil, or up turned cup/saucer/bowl

Boil for 3-5 minutes (careful, they may stick to one another)

Voila. Chocolate Ravioli with Creamy Blueberry Filling.  This was dusted with icing sugar for the final photo.  Tip: If you want to do that, pat them dry first, the icing sugar dissolves in any leftover water.

thinner pasta
serve with a berry sauce
sweeten the pasta


  1. Wow! Great idea. I'm all over making pasta at the moment so I will take this idea and try a version of my own :) I'll let you know what happens.

  2. This is certainly the most interesting post of the blog hop! Great idea, but I'm not sure I'm brave enough to try!

  3. Excellent! Haven't seen chocolate pasta since Geoff Jansz days! Well done.

  4. Paul, I am so impressed with your originality! What an intriguing dessert concept chocolate pasta is.

    I noted that you suggested it may have been improved with a berry sauce. Do you think it would have been good to also add some white chocolate shaved over it a la Parmesan Cheese? ;)

    So glad to have met you through this bloghop - I've have a read through some of your other blog posts and really like what you are doing here. I especially enjoyed reading your take on Tasting Tasmania - I thought your criticism was fair and constructive and I hope things improve as a result of it.
