Saturday, 4 February 2012

ICCS - Day Three

Day three of the International Cool Climate Symposium.

I had a gander at the program for the morning's session and reading the tittles of the presentations, I looked forward to listening.  But unfortunately it was a bit underwhelming.  There was just nothing to take back to the vineyard to use.

But the funniest bit was when three guys from Brighton, England got up to pitch to us to come to the next ICCS in 2016.  It was just like the "Top Gear Wine".

In the 2nd session Ross Brown from Brown Brothers got up and told us why they bought the largest producer here in TasVegas.  This was a great chat. Highlights:

  • spread there risk from just Victoria
  • chasing lighter consumer tastes
  • wine cycles last 15? years
    • 70's Cabernet
    • 80's Chardonnay
    • late 90's Dirty Kiwi Sauvignon Blanc
  • Pinot Noir will be their champion
  • barriers to entry
    • tough taskmaster
    • Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove
      • must have power and flavour, not thin
    • all about excellence, no short cuts
Robyn Lewis of got up to speak about new media.  She showed us a slide from Gartner, the Hype cycle of new technology:

Other bits of info:
  • older consumers are now using mobile phones on the internet, and increasing
  • social media is a platform for dialogue (yes!)
  • need to invest time in new media
  • conversation rules and everything else drools
  • new media is not free
    • must have a strategy
    • be consistent, authentic and persistent
    • define your message
Quote of the day is from Robyn Lewis:
"A relationship is just like the Hype Cycle.  There is the peak of inflated expectations at the beginning, but then comes the trough of disillusionment.  After this is the slope of enlightenment, when you might get married to reach the plateau of productivity" 


  1. I keep imagining the "trough of disillusionment" as somewhere they would have adventured to in the Princess Bride.

    1. Just next to the "Bog of Eternal Stench" in the Labyrinth!
