Sunday, 12 February 2012

Ardmona Canned Tomato: Chopped or Crushed?

I was out shopping this morning, doing the once a month visit to the big supermarche to stock up the larder and was selecting the canned tomatoes.  I always buy Ardmona as they are based in Shepparton, Vic, and use only Australian tomatoes.  The parent company SPC Ardmona was formed by a merger between Ardmona and SPC (Shepparton Preserving Company) in 2002 but are now owned by Coca Cola Amatil.

So the choice I am left with is Chopped or Crushed, flavoured or not.  Well I am not buying flavoured, no thanks, but I decided to have a look at the back label and investigate the difference between the Chopped and Crushed.  I was shocked, I had to take a photo:

On the left is Crushed, 97% tomato, on the right is Chopped, 60% min tomato plus tomato juice.

Robbed!  I never knew the chopped was bulked up with tomato juice.  And I bet the Whole Peeled has added tomato juice to "fill in the gaps" in the can.

Now I had a bit of a think about this and I worked out why there is added tomato juice.  You see, I have experience in this area as I was once a tomato harvester in 2006 before I moved to TasVegas.  Now I know what you are thinking, tomato harvesting, knotted handkerchief on the head:

But no.  We were harvesting 80 tonnes of tomato AN HOUR, 2 semi trailers an hour, with one of these:

These tomatoes go off to the factory to be processed and produce different streams, chopped, crushed, canned and a big proportion goes of to make tomato paste.

There is a by product from the paste operation, "Tomato Condensate", as the water is extracted from the tomato pulp be evaporation.  I believe that the juice in the canned Chopped tomato is this condensate so they get another use of this "waste" product.

I would love someone who knows more to tell me I am wrong.

But for now I will stick with the Crushed.

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